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Writer's pictureCheryl


Hallelujah to the God of Abundance and Blessing! He is not slack. He is not stingy. He is not slumbering. We refuse to put our GREAT GOD in a small box that says all hope is lost and we are doomed. We are the remnant. We are the Ekklesia. We may be small in number in man’s eyes but little is much when God is in it! We are MIGHTY to the pulling down of strongholds.

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4

Our GREAT GOD is not coming back for a puny, paltry church. He is coming back for a GLORIOUS CHURCH! We refuse to join the ranks of the naysayers that all is lost. That there is no hope. That we are the tail and not the head. We declare! There is a mighty move of God in the earth and nothing can stop it. Nothing can hinder it. Our God will not be stopped by man’s feeble attempts.

We do NOT declare defeat. We declare VICTORY! We will OBEY the Voice of the LORD. We will NOT walk in fear. We will walk by faith! We declare the blessings of the LORD will overtake us as his glorious bride. We are blessed! We are highly favored. We are heirs to the Kingdom of God.

“All these blessings will come to you in abundance if you obey the LORD your God.” Deuteronomy‬ ‭28:2‬

Oh yes! We are blessed in the city and in the towns. We are blessed in the fields. We declare our children and our children’s children will be blessed. Our herds and flocks and our baskets and breadboards are blessed. We declare AMERICA is blessed as a covenant Nation under God.

We declare that the LORD will CONQUER these enemies that have attacked us. He will scatter them seven different ways until they are in utter confusion. The LORD will make us the head and not the tail. We will always be at the top and never at the bottom. We will follow the Voice of the LORD and heed to His Word.

We are convinced! We are persuaded that nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ. We are persuaded that the LORD will perform his good works among us. We are persuaded that there is life and death in the power of the tongue. So we speak LIFE to America. We speak LIFE to Israel. We speak LIFE to the Nations.

We declare that we will love and obey the LORD so that we will live long in the land the LORD swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We declare his goodness is chasing after us! We declare that the LORD is preparing our victory dinner in the presence of our enemies!

So be it! In Jesus name.




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