You have said to us over and over and over. Do not be afraid. We must not walk by what we see. We must walk by faith. We cannot walk by faith if our feet are standing in fear.
You said! “But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.”
I Peter 3:14
We declare! Fear is a liar! We rebuke this Spirit of Fear and the Spirit of Intimidation over the church. Over your people. We will NOT BE MOVED by the threats of the enemy. We will NOT allow our hearts to be troubled.
You said! “Let not your hearts be troubled. Neither let them be afraid. You believe in God. Believe also in me!”
John 14:1
O LORD of the heavens and the earth. Maker of the sun, the moon and the stars. Maker of the mountains and the seas. We believe in You! We believe in You! You’re the God of Miracles! Rise up! Rise up! Rise up! People of God and walk by faith in our miracle working God!
We have NOT been given the Spirit of Fear. We rebuke the spirit of covid fear! We rebuke the fear of government. We rebuke the fear of man! Fear is a spirit! Fear is a liar! We tear it down with the TRUTH of the Word of the LORD!
We rebuke you vile spirit of fear. You are a false emotion worked up by the enemy of our souls and spewed forth by the false prophets of Baal. Faith is what we believe in and we believe in God the Father. We believe he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask, think or imagine. We believe he is our healer. We believe he is our protector.
We declare! He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty! He is our cloud by day and our fire by night. He is our rearguard. He is our strong fortress. He is our shield. Our rock. Our hiding place. Our shelter in the time of storm. He will not suffer our foot to stumble. He will keep that which we have committed to him.
We will take our stand. We will not bend and we will not bow. We will declare the faithfulness of our God to this generation. We will taste and see that the LORD is good. We will walk and not grow weary. We shall run and not faint. We will live to see the salvation of the LORD in America.
Our God is a ROCK! Strong and secure! His arm is not shortened and his hand is not weak. He is on our side. He is in our hearts. Our names are engraved on the palms of his hands. He has not, will not and cannot forget us. O Hallelujah!
Therefore! WE WILL NOT FEAR! We will say of the LORD that he will withhold no good thing from those love him. We will stand in FAITH and we will NOT BE MOVED by these shifting sands and shifting shadows. We are His people. Called by His name. We know exactly who our God is and we shall be FEARLESS! We will not let our hearts be troubled and we will not bow to the threats of the enemy!
We declare over the Ekklesia! We will stand strong and we will do mighty exploits in his name!
So be it! In Jesus name.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: t.me/CherylBothe1