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Go Local. Live Local.

Providing everything you need to learn how to live locally and change your county, your country and your government. We the people have the power to change things and stop any tyrannical takeover of our freedoms.


We MUST start from the ground up - the grassroots! We are community. We are Americans.

Your Local Community

  • ​Shop Local. Look for Small Businesses in you area that that you can shop and support.

  • BOYCOTT these woke corporations. Go HERE for more info on how to do this.

  • Check your local Chamber of Commerce or Newspapers for events. It's a great way to network and build relationships.

  • Little League Sports is a good way to get involved.

  • Volunteer at soup kitchens, local charities, community events or even ball games.

Local Farmers Markets & Public Markets

  • Most cities and towns have local farmers or public markets nowadays.

  • Ask around or search the web for local farms or ranches that sell vegetables, eggs and meat to the public. They will sometimes have other really cool handmade items for sale.

  • A lot of Amish farms will have a market setup. Some even sell animals if you want a chicken for your backyard!

Become a Precinct Committeman

  • Precinct Committeemen are today’s political Minutemen. 

  • It starts with simply volunteering to be part of your local Precinct Committee. There are 400,000 slots available nation-wide, half of which are VACANT. 

  • PC's are powerful in that they elect and/or nominate the party leaders at the grassroots level. This is an EASY thing to do!

  • Just start by attending a meeting. Here's a link from Daniel Schultz, an attorney in Maricopa County AZ for more detailed info.

  • You can get info here.


  • Many parents have turned to homeschooling over the past year after learning what and how their children were being taught.

  • There are many, many websites for Christian Homeschooling. Crosswalk has an article showcasing the 10 best programs. Click HERE for the link to the Crosswalk article.

  • Ask around in your church and circle of friends. I'm sure you'll get some great help there.

  • Check for local homeschooling coops around your area.

Your Church Family

  • We need our family of faith especially in these challenging times.

  • Be faithful. Get involved. Build relationships.

  • If you can't find a traditional church that is standing up for truth and for America, find a Bible Study Group for fellowship and encouragement.

  • The Local Church should be a great influence on the culture around it rather than the culture influencing the church. The Church has taken a back seat for far too long and our American way of life is being pulled out from under us.

  • We need to pray for our leaders and become involved in our local governments. If we don't shine our light in the darkness of the social and political realms, we can't extinguish it. Abortion and gay marriage are good examples. It starts at the local level. I hope your pastor feels the same.

Get to know your Local Sheriff

  • Get to know your Local Sheriff or Constable. They have a lot of power. A good question is do they support the 2nd Amendment and your rights As Americans.

  • Find out if your county/state is a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary that protects your gun rights.

  • Click here to go to the  Sanctuary County website. They are actually a good news source as well on many topics.

Your Local School Board

  • If only every parent knew this secret place where they can make the biggest difference in their child’s education.

  • Principals and teachers don't make the life altering decisions in education. The School Board is where the real decisions about your child’s education will take place.

  • Start attending the School Board meetings.

  • Always VOTE in the school board elections. If you're inclined, then run for the school board. 

  • These elected members are CRUCIAL to your children's education.

More Local Stuff To Love

  • Frequent local gas stations, bakeries, delis, festivals and fairs. You'll meet great folks.

  • Take road trips or day trips to surrounding small towns and support them as well.

  • Check your small local newspapers for events and other cool local stuff to love!

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