O Sovereign Lord.
You are the Creator of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. Who can stop you? Who can raise a hand against you?
You said in your Word. The LORD of Heaven’s Armies has spoken. Who can change his plans? When his hand is raised, who can stop him?
O Sovereign Lord. The nations and kingdoms of the earth and the rulers of darkness are rearing their ugly heads. They are incensed at Jesus. They are incensed at morality and righteousness. They are incensed at holiness. They are incensed at whatever is good, noble and pure.
They are incensed at our children because they represent innocence, trust and hope for the future. They are incensed at this President because he is guarding the door of the Church. They are incensed against the Church and every freedom we have in America.
And now, O Lord, HEAR THEIR THREATS, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.
O Sovereign Lord. Come! Come in your power and might! Shake America and the Church like you shook the Church of Acts. We need boldness. We need courage to stand up against this tyranny that is spreading across our nation.
Send a glory wave of your holy power to the mayors and governors of America. We see even good conservative governors falling prey to this scam of covid. Shutting churches down. Mandating masks and pushing for mandated vaccines. We rebuke this spirit of deception, power and greed overtaking our good men. We rebuke it with the authority of the Lord!
This is just the beginning. Wake up! O Church of the Living God. Open your eyes to the DECEPTION running rampant all around us. Wake up. Stand up. Armor up!
We declare the glory of the Lord to fall across this land. Rise up pastors and take a righteous stand. Rise up Church and take a righteous stand. We call forth boldness and courage. We pull the blinders off the eyes of the righteous and expose the lies and deception of the enemy. We expose the wicked!
The enemy is afoot in the land! This is the beginning of the end of America if we don’t rise up and take a stand against this socialist agenda. Here we are Lord! Here we are! We rise up as the mighty remnant and call down the GLORY of the Lord to rise among us!
We PUSH BACK and PULL DOWN the fire storm coming over filling of the SCOTUS seat. It’s already upon us. But we see your hand working. You have spoken! Oh yes! You have spoken! In Jesus mighty name. We push this firestorm down down down. The new weapons they are forming will not succeed. We declare it! They will NOT succeed.
We keep our eyes on the Lord God Almighty. We listen for your voice and watch for your hand. God you are moving behind the scenes. No one can stop the Lord God Almighty! No one can stop him! No. Not. One.
In Jesus name. Amen.

Great and powerful prayer! Thank you!