O Father!
We cannot help but praise you. More and more. Day by day. Week my week. Month by month. Year by year. You are the God of our hope and we will praise you more and more.
“From the rising of the sun to its going down The LORD’s name is to be praised.” Psalms 113:3
O Hallelujah!
We will tell of your righteousness. We will sing of your salvation. We will declare your deliverance in the presence of our enemies.
We will go in the strength of the LORD. We will take back what the enemy has stolen. We will not be moved. We will not bend and we will not bow. We still stand in the strength of the LORD!
When these spiritual enemies seek to destroy, You will rise to our aid. You will rise up and do great things. You will come with the Hosts of Heaven and rescue the perishing.
We ask you, O LORD of the Angel Armies, to rescue rhe Nations. Protect the innocent from those seeking to destroy the abundant life that you have promised. Rescue us and protect us from the evil ones.
We declare the Word of the LORD over every Nation under evil oppression. Under wars and rumors of wars. Under threats of famine. Under threats of those seeking total control of mankind.
“Deliver me (America, Ukraine, Australia, Canada, Africa, South America, the Middle East, Asia, Europe and the rest), O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, Out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man. For You are my hope, O LORD God; You are my trust from my youth.” Psalms 71:4-5
O Yes! We put our trust in you, Almighty God. You are worthy of our trust.
O Yes! We will praise the Name of the LORD! You are worthy of our praise.
“Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.” Psalm 150:6
You are the rock upon which we stand. You are the Great and Mighty One. You are the King eternal and immortal. You are invincible. And nothing. And no one can stand against you and your plans.
We place these things in your hands. We will walk in the fullness of your love. We will keep our eyes upon you. We will proclaim your goodness. And we will declare your salvation upon the Nations of the earth.
In Jesus name.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
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We praise you Lord, you are a GOOD GOOD GOD🙌🏻, Amen and Amen 🙏 🙏🙏✨💞
We praise the God of our salvation! Thank You Lord for saving us and for the saving revival You are pouring out over the nations of the earth! Bring forth Your glory so that all people will be drawn unto You! Open blinded eyes & ears, set the captives free, and receive our praises! For YOU are WORTHY TO BE PRAISED!!!!