Heavenly Father.
Thank you for your watchful eyes. Thank you for your ears that are intent. Thank you for your voice that calms the troubled waters of our souls. Thank you for your steady hand to guide our vessels through these choppy waters. Thank you for every promise kept and every prophecy spoken over this land of America. You are a good good Father. Selah.
We stand as your covenant children taking refuge in your Word. We are the blessed of the LORD! We are the people of the LORD. We are the called, chosen and redeemed of the LORD! We are the head and not the tail! We are the coalition of the ransomed who have been set free! We strap the shield of faith to our chests to thwart the deception and distractions of the enemy.
We stand with our eyes, minds and spirits wide open and we clearly see the deception amd lies surrounding covid and this stolen election. We pray that you would continue to tear the veil away from the eyes of the people that are distracted by the deception and lies of the enemy.
And YES enemy! We know exactly who you are enemy! You are the father of lies. We shun the enemy - the devil, Lucifer, the evil one and his wicked minions. We shun the lies of the wicked. We shun the deception of the wicked. We shun the mocking of the wicked.
“Calamity will surely destroy the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be punished. But the LORD will redeem those who serve him. No one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.” Psalms 34:21-22
We are the redeemed of the LORD! O Yes! We have been bought with a price! The price of the precious blood of Jesus! It all turned around at the cross. What the enemy meant for evil, the LORD turned around for his demise and for our freedom from his shackles.
We stand up in the face of this created giant of covid and speak calamity over you! We will not be bound by your shackles of fear! The LORD is against you! The LORD opposes you! We stand in His name and rebuke the spirit of covid fear! We rebuke the spirit of covid variant fear. We rebuke threats of additional lockdowns and masking. We rebuke this worked up, messed up demonic stronghold of covid.
We speak calamity over this fraudulent regime who have hijacked this Nation. We decree that your plans will not prosper. We decree everything you set in motion is being revealed and reversed by the Hand of Almighty God. He will right every wrong done in this election. We proclaim Jehovah to be the God of America. His justice and righteousness will rule and reign in this bright and shining land between the seas.
O LORD of the Heavens and the Earth. Send ruin upon the plans of the enemy. Send shame and disgrace upon those trying to suppress and oppress the people of earth. Stand up O Holy One - the One enthroned in the heavens! Strike with a mighty force all those who come against us! Humiliate ALL those seeking to do harm. Send the Mighty Angel of the LORD in hot pursuit of these degenerate spiritual enemies.
We declare FREEDOM over the Nations. We declare he that the Son sets free is free indeed.
We declare LIFE where the enemy is declaring death. Jesus came to give abundant life and he has defeated the devil, death, hell and the grave.
We declare PEACE in the midst of trouble. The enemy cannot steal our peace. It is a gift from our Savior. Peace I leave with you says the Son of God and the devil, the world and the wicked cannot take it away!
We declare JOY in the camp of the LORD. The joy of the LORD is our strength.
We declare the LIGHT of the LORD to shine down upon HIS green earth. Nothing can stop the creator of the light and the dark. Again, we remind the enemies of mankind and the enemies of God the Father: Light ALWAYS puts out the dark!
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness A LIGHT HAS DAWNED. You have enlarged the nation and increased their JOY; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder. For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor.” Isaiah 9:2-4
We declare! Light to shine in every dark corner of government. Light to shine in every dark corner of election fraud. Light to shine in every dark corner of human trafficking. Light to shine in every dark corner of perverted lifestyles and agendas.
We declare! The battle is already won.
We declare! It is finished and done.
We declare! Burdens are being shattered by the hand of God.
We declare! Oppression is being lifted by his power and his might.
We declare! We are the people of YAHWEH and nothing can stand against! We say again! Nothing nothing nothing can stand against!
We declare! The fire of the LORD has been kindled! Revival and reformation are sweeping through the land from shore to shore.
We declare! The LIGHT has dawned!
So be it. In Jesus name.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: t.me/CherylBothe1

Lord, let us stand together, worshiping You. Let us rejoice in te Light of Your salvation. Let us find ourselves united by Your Holy Spirit. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. Amen!