You are supreme! Supreme over all the other so called gods. Supreme over the earth. Supreme over the heavens. We exalt your name today. We give you the praise, the honor and the glory that is due to your name. All across the earth, we worship you in your holiness and sit before you as your armor clad, expectant children. Selah.
We declare Psalm 97 over the earth today!
“The LORD is King over all the earth!”
King of America. King of Israel. King of the Nations. King of the North, South, East and West. “Let the earth rejoice!” Let America rejoice. Let Israel rejoice. Let the Nations rejoice. Let the people of the LORD rejoice!
We say! “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.” Send down your justice to America. Send down your righteousness to America. Send it down to every crooked and corrupt court. Send it down to the House and the Senate in Washington DC and every state across this Nation.
By your mighty hand, send justice to the oppressed. Send judgement to the oppressor. Send your cleansing rain and clean house! Wash out injustice. Wash out back room deals. Wash out “behind the scenes” collaborations with evil doers. Wash their mouths out with the soap of your Spirit for their constant spewing of hatred, lies and deception. Wash out everything that is hidden in the darkness and shine your light of truth!
Send down justice to the audits. Pull it up from the foundations of your throne. Send it down to every state. In every city. In every county. We push back against this nationwide coup over our elections. We push back against this internal and external coup over our government. In Jesus mighty name. We pluck it by its branches and pull it up by the root. We cast it from our Sovereign shores.
We say! No more! Not on our watch! We climb up on top of the wall of this Nation and stand guard with our DIVINE spiritual weapons that have the power to DEMOLISH these demonic strongholds. We declare to the evil one that you MUST STAND DOWN because the LORD in all
of his glorious, divine, supernatural and extraordinary strength, might and power has risen up against you!
O King of the Earth and King of the Ages. Come in your righteous judgement and your holy justice and smite these enemies from before us. Smite them! Smite them! Smite them! Melt their schemes and plans like you melt the mighty mountains. Melt them like wax and let ALL the Nations of the Earth see your GLORY!
O Hallelujah! Send us your GLORY that will overshadow and undermine the attacks of the enemy and send him scurrying back to the darkness!
We decree that these biological weapons formed against us will not prosper. We declare that this fear mongering propaganda will not prosper. We declare that these threats from this rogue government and others will not prosper. We declare every tongue raised up against freedom will be silenced and humiliated.
Your Word says in Isaiah 54:17. “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.”
Therefore! As the Word says! We declare these unholy, ungodly, unrighteous weapons will not prosper! We refute every accusatory and blasphemous tongue! We stand in our heritage and watch the vindication from the LORD!
He is our mountain melting LORD! The LORD who hates evil and will cause it to melt in his presence. The LORD who will protect his people. The LORD who will rescue his people from the wicked. The LORD who loves the Nations of the earth. The LORD to whom the heavens rejoice! The LORD who will cover the earth with his GLORY!
We declare that every nation, tribe and tongue will see his GLORY and that justice and righteousness SHALL prevail upon the earth! We declare the mountains are melting before us as we stand united in Christ Jesus!
So be it. In Jesus name.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: t.me/CherylBothe1

Amen and Amen, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
AMEN AMEN and SO be it!! JESUS Power is released when we pray these powerful prayers out loud and unite our faith against the enemy's agenda!