You are the Lord our God. You are on our side! Just like when you appeared to Gideon. You declared he was a Mighty Hero! You declared the Lord was with him. We declare the same over America. You are with us. You see us. You fight for us. You are mighty in battle. Oh yes!
In spite of the fear mongering by the leftist media and their cronies. We lift our voices and hands in faith. We press on through this chaotic craziness. With the authority of the Lord! We say! Covid you are defeated. We say! Socialism you are defeated. We say! Marxism you can crawl back under the rock from whence you came. We say! President Trump will win the election by a landslide. We say! Righteousness and morality will prevail in November. We say! The church will rise as the Bride of Christ to a lost and dying world.
We declare the Lord reigns over America. We declare freedom over these oppressed states. Yes! Freedom to the people! Freedom to business. Freedom to schools. We declare a huge loss of supporters from these tyrants who call themselves mayors and governors! Remove the blinders from the people. Be gone! You vile oppressive spirit of political ambition with no thought for the citizens. In Jesus name! We pull down down down these strongholds holding these cities and states in a vice grip. Release the people!
We stand up in the midst of this maniacal mess and declare the Word of the Lord! Let. My. People. Go.
We declare a mighty end time revival. Repentance and salvation sweep through the land. We declare reformation across the cultural mountains. Rise up righteous leaders. Come forth morality and integrity. We will not stop crying out to you Jesus! You told us to go in the strength that we have. You will meet us there. You will revive us. You will go before us. You will be with us.
Oh Loving Saviour. Come and visit your church. Remind her she is mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. Remind her she is the head and not the tail. Remind your Church! We say! Rise up for such a time as this. Rise up and hold the banner high. Rise up and not cower. Swing wide the gates! Open the church doors. Open the mouths of the saints. Shut the mouths of the enemy.
We declare an insurgence rise up across this land. In every state! All across the land. We declare! Faith over fear! Faith over fear! Faith over fear! In the name of Jesus! We have had enough! We stand up and declare an insurgence rise up over fear! Be gone! Fear! You are a liar. Fear! You cannot. You cannot stand up in the face of faith. We say! Faith rise up! Faith to move the mighty mountains! We declare it again! Faith over fear!
We declare the Word of the Lord over fear! Let. My. People. Go.
Oh Jesus! Come and sit with us under the trees. Speak to us like Gideon. Remind us that we are mighty heroes! Remind us that you are with us. No matter what!
In Jesus name. Amen.