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We come come before you with a shout. We come before you with the sound of praise. We come before you with declarations of victory. Like the Children of Israel. We march around these walls that see impenetrable and insurmountable and we shout the victory!

We declare victory over America! From sea to shining sea. We declare that America is the blessed of the Lord. We declare that we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. And we can testify that you have been good. We can taste and see that you are good. We can testify that you forgive our sins and cast them as far as the East is from the West.

We declare over the church of the living God that we are the head and not the tail. The church is not subservient to the devil. And he must scatter and tremble at the mention of the name of Jesus. We declare that the church is victorious and triumphant. We declare that our latter days will be greater than the former.

We declare revival to break out in the church. Pastors will be anointed to preach the truth and the church will be anointed to hear the truth. The lost will be saved. The lukewarm will be made hot. The remnant will burn bright and carry the torch of the Lord.

We declare victory over President Trump. We declare the hand of the Lord over him to lead and guide. We declare victory in every legislative race across the country. Astounding victory. Oh yes! Landslides of victory. Waves of red will overtake the polls. Waves of righteousness will rise up over this Nation.

We cast down every attempt to scare the American people not to vote in person. Be silenced! Be silenced! Be silenced! You fear mongering, guilt mongering doom speakers. O Lord. Shut their mouths and dry up their voices like cotton. We declare their words to fall on deaf ears.

We declare the spirit of covid fear to be consumed by the fire of the Lord. Loose your holy ghost fire upon the earth and consume this ungodly, unholy and unhealthy covid fear. Spirit of covid fear! You must leave. You must unleash your demonic hold from the people. In Jesus mighty name. We cast your down and slice through your demonic tentacles that are wrapped around the earth.

We march around you covid and shout out the victory is ours. The blood of Jesus be upon you! The blood of Jesus be upon you! We will not bend to you. We will not bow to you. You covid! You are the one that must bow. We cast down every fear, deception and lie attached to your crowned head.

O Yahweh. We shut out the media. We turn off the news. We tune into you and your Word. We declare we will see the salvation of the Lord in the land of the living. We shout out that the victory is ours for the taking! The walls will fall flat and we will take America back!

So be it!

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