Almighty One!
You are the first and the last. The beginning and the end. You are the Lord Most High. You are Yahweh! You are the One and only God. You are the all time Champion. You are Jehovah Jireh. You are more than enough. You are the Lord of the Harvest! You supply what we need. You are an on time God. Your timing is impeccable. You are NEVER late!
You are the God that will come down to the State of Georgia and set things straight! We declare! Georgia! Come to order! Line up! We declare! The governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp and his cronies to stand up like men and confess any and all wrongdoing against this Nation. Lord of the Angel Armies! We call you down to Georgia. The devil may have come down to Georgia but we KICK HIM OUT! We kick the hypocrisy, lies, deceit and foreign interference and corruption out of Georgia!
“Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees - their HYPOCRISY. The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.
“Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!” Luke 12:1-3
O LORD! We come boldly before your throne and ask you to SHRED these strongholds setup over Georgia and her leaders. Rise up Holy Spirit and come like a rushing mighty wind and clean house in Atlanta and Fulton County. Pull the governor out of his mansion and bring him and his cronies to justice!
Expose expose expose the wickedness in the high places of Georgia! Expose the wickedness in Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and now Virginia. In Jesus name. STOP THE FRAUD. STOP THE STEAL. We will NOT sit idly by while these foreign entities overtake, overturn and seize our government. We tear down these strongholds with the Word of the Lord.
BEWARE! BEWARE! BEWARE! You enemies of freedom! Greater is the LORD Most High. He will knock you down. He will shatter your wicked nasty teeth that you have sunk into the heart of this Nation. He will cause your evil, your witchcraft and your magic to turn back upon you. Ho! We declare insecurity upon you. We declare questions to rise up in your minds to question your own motives and for confusion to confound and consume you!
“You felt secure in your wickedness. ‘No one sees me,’ you said. But your ‘wisdom’ and ‘knowledge’ have led you astray, and you said, ‘I am the only one, and there is no other.’
“So disaster will overtake you, and you won’t be able to charm it away. Calamity will fall upon you, and you won’t be able to buy your way out. A catastrophe will strike you suddenly, one for which you are not prepared.” Isaiah 47:10-11
Ho! We declare the LORD to be the one who is mighty in battle and He is going to send catastrophe upon the enemy and strike him down! Suddenly! Suddenly! Suddenly when you least expect it! You will FALL DOWN! You must bow down to the LORD Most High! Enemies to America and Freedom and the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is going to STRIKE YOU DOWN.
The LORD himself! He will take out vengeance upon these false prophets of Baal. He will destroy these wicked crooks, criminals and kingdoms set up and fashioned after Babylon, Molech and Jezebel. In Jesus name. BE DESTROYED! You will sit in the darkness and be chained to your wrongdoings. The LORD will take vengeance upon you and you will sink in shame while we dance in delight over your heads.
We declare! Our Redeemer has come! He is invading and overtaking every battleground state. He is the Lord of the Angel Armies. He has sent his legions of holy war angels to rescue us. We rise up, stand up and armor up in this battle and SHOUT for the victory is ours! We DECLARE salvation, revival and reformation over the land of America.
We declare it! We believe it! So be it! In the mighty name of Jesus!
