We believe! Oh Yes! We believe that we SHALL see the rain. The LORD of All Creation is coming like the rain. Nothing can stop the STORM OF THE LORD! The rain, the wind, the thunder and the lightning are surely upon us.
The RAIN is coming to replenish the earth. Replenishing rain to bring forth new life and new hope.
The WIND is coming to blow away the chaff. Blow away the lies. Blow away the deception. Blow away the fear.
The THUNDER is coming as the mighty sound from heaven to WAKE UP the people from their slumber. Mighty claps will fill the air! The atmosphere will be charged as the LORD of Hosts thunders across the skies.
The LIGHTNING will light up the ominous skies over the camp of the enemy and strike the heart of the enemies camp. Lightning bolts of truths will flash forth and obliterate the lies and deception.
O Hallelujah! LET IT RAIN so the people can see clearly. We declare!
The LORD is revealing himself.
He is revealing knowledge.
He is revealing his purpose.
He is revealing truth.
He is revealing his glory.
“Let us KNOW, Let us PURSUE the knowledge of the LORD. His going forth is established as the morning; HE WILL COME TO US LIKE THE RAIN, Like the latter and former rain to the earth.”
Hosea 6:3
This is what the LORD says!
The rain is coming and nothing can stop the drenching of the earth. I will POUR OUT my spirit. I will POUR OUT my goodness, my mercy and my grace. I will POUR OUT righteousness and justice like the noonday sun! The darkened, veiled threats of unrighteousness and injustice will have to FLEE from my drenching presence!
O LORD of All Creation! Even now we sense the winds of change! We await the VICTORY in the spiritual realm to manifest in the natural realm. We realize that we are not fighting flesh and blood. Oh no no no! In Jesus mighty name we COME AGAINST the wicked, the evil and the perverted.
We PUSH BACK demonic principalities and powers. We push them down and push them out the door to the point of no return!
We KNOCK DOWN these demented strongholds of human reasoning. We DEMOLISH them with God’s mighty weapons. We DEMOLISH them with the Sword of the LORD that proceeds from his mouth with righteous judgement and ruling.
We DESTROY false arguments and proud obstacles with arrows of truth! We pull out the bow, aim the arrow and let it fly to the source of every lie and every deception. We pray straight into the heart of these matters and call forth the mighty Hand of God to send his arrows of truth straight to the source!
We call forth the Holy Ghost STORM OF THE LORD! Loose your glory upon the earth! Shake the earth with your glory! In the midst of these despicable, dry and dusty desert years of covid and chaos. We declare! Let it rain! Let it rain! Let it rain! Wash it ALL away and usher in a new and glorious era in the Kingdom of God upon the earth!
We declare to the heavens above and the earth below. Nothing can stop this righteous, holy STORM OF THE LORD! We stand as the Mighty Remnant in these last days. Undaunted. Unmoved. Unashamed. Unmuzzled. Unmasked.
We throw down our umbrellas.
We throw off our raincoats.
Rain down your anointing!
Rain down your power!
Rain down your glory!
Let. It. Rain.
In Jesus name. Amen!
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: t.me/CherylBothe1
