Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary. Praise him in his mighty heaven! Praise him for his mighty works. Praise his unequaled greatness! We praise you with our first and last breath. We praise you with a song. We praise you in the dance. We praise you in the storm when the waves crash and the winds roar.
Almighty God. Maker of the heavens and the earth. We praise you! We thank you. We love you. We bow down before you and worship you. In the year 2020 when the gates of hell have broken loose and the government, the people and the Nation seem to be swirling around us. We praise you!
We PRAISE you because we know ... “The Lord will hand over to you the people who live there, and you must deal with them as I have commanded you. So be strong and courageous! DO NOT BE AFRAID AND DO NOT PANIC BEFORE THEM. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Deuteronomy 31:5-6
So here we are to praise you and declare your wondrous works. We declare victory while the enemy all around howls out defeat. He howls out foul. He spreads chaos and panic. We say! No to chaos! No to panic! We will NOT succumb to the lies of the enemy. We will NOT fall prey to his deceptive tongue. The devil is a liar! The devil is a liar! The devil is a liar. We cast him down and his foul mouthed, lying words. In Jesus name.
We stand secure. We stand strong. We will not be moved. We will not be shaken. We will not bend and we will not bow. We turn a deaf ear to these blithering talking heads. We will listen to the voice of truth! We will wait before our Triumphant God because he has given us the victory!
You! O Mighty One! You are crossing over before us and You will cause these wild waters of deception and fraud to dry up! You are revealing every illegal deal and every illegal vote. We declare to the enemy! The LORD! He will destroy your demonic kingdoms and strongholds over America. The LORD! He will take possession of your evil deeds and hang them out to dry before the eyes of the world.
Yeshua! He will lead us through these dangerous, treacherous waters. He will cross over before us walking on the waves. He will not sink. He will take the helm of this great ship of America. He will not falter or fail. He will prevail! He is the LORD! He will calm the troubled waters and adjust our course!
In Jesus name. So be it!
