Father God.
We come before you as your children. We are covered, shielded and protected by you. You go before us in your power and might. You shield us with your glory. You work in mysterious ways. You have never failed. You never will.
We declare over your blood bought church. The Bride of Christ. I will say of the LORD. He is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him I will trust. Surely He shall deliver us from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. Oh yes! Surely you will.
You will never leave us or forsake us. You will cover us with your feathers like the mighty eagle. We take our refuge in you. We cling to your truth as a shield and buckler. We will not fear terror, pestilence or destruction. And we declare your mighty works over this nation that is our home. Hallelujah!
We declare boldness to rise up over your church. We are unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have victory over fear and we walk in the freedom of our Lord and Savior. We have not been given the spirit of fear. In the name of Jesus! We rebuke this spirit of covid fear from the church and from the Nation.
Come! O Holy Spirit and ignite our faith. Cause it to grow by leaps and bounds. We know whom We have believed. We are persuaded that you are able to keep what we have committed to you.
We commit ourselves, our families and our communities to you. We commit America to you! We declare victory over America. We commit our President to you! We declare victory for President Trump and Vice President Pence. We commit this election to you! It will not be stolen! In the name of Jesus. We declare every attempt to steal this election will not come to pass. It. Will. Not.
Every evil scheme will be thwarted by the hand of God. His warring angels will be at the ready to stand guard and engage the enemy at the frontlines of the battle. Every shutdown, siege, riot or coup by these marxists malcontents will be stunted, squashed and slapped down by the mighty hand of God. They will not play roughshod over us. Oh no! They. Will. Not.
We curse every wicked vile incantation, spell and ritual back to the darkness and we plead the blood over America and our President. The blood of Jesus is against you! You demonic hordes and your evil minions have already been defeated by Jesus Christ. You have no authority or power that can supersede the work of the cross.
We declare the bold promises of God! Yes! Bold promises! His light will outshine the darkness that surrounds us. He is the God of all creation and did not create this world to be a place of empty chaos and confusion. He is the God of order, truth and righteousness. His plan and purpose will prevail!
We are your children. We lay hold of your exceeding great promises to us. And we boast of your promises and your goodness to the face of the enemy! Oh yes! You are good!
In Jesus name. Amen.
