We thank you for what you are doing in America and the Nations of the earth. Thank you for this Great Awakening of the people. We come before your Courts with thanksgiving and before your throne with praise.
We say! You are great and greatly to be praised! We praise your righteous and your holy name.
We petition you and request justice for the slanderers. We request that every lie be revealed and all the wickedness be exposed. We ask that you would save us from our persecutors and let the light of your glory be revealed.
We ask that the prisoners he loosed and the captives set free. We bind this demonic attempt to overthrow America. We bind it on earth to be bound in heaven.
We declare the enemy has NO HOLD on us!
No hold on our freedom!
No hold on our children!
No hold on our civil liberties!
No hold on the Constitution!
No hold on the Nations!
He has NO hold on us!
“Arise, O LORD, in anger! Stand up against the fury of my enemies! Wake up, my God, and bring justice!
“Gather the nations before you. Rule over them from on high.
“The LORD judges the nations. Declare me righteous, O LORD, for I am innocent, O Most High!
“End the evil of those who are wicked, and defend the righteous. For you look deep within the mind and heart, O righteous God.”
Psalms 7:6-9
Thank you O LORD that you are the shield to the Nations! You are the strength of the Nations! You will save those whose hearts are pure and right because you are the honest judge. The foundations of your throne are truth, justice and righteousness.
Your Words says: “God is an honest judge. He is angry with the wicked every day.” Psalms 7:11
We prophecy the anger of the LORD upon these demonic spiritual kingdoms set up over the Nations.
We prophecy their trouble is backfiring upon themselves and their violence is falling upon their own heads!
We prophecy their trickery and shenanigans are so obvious that they are becoming foolishness in the eyes of the people.
Let it be so! In the name of Jesus who is our Rock of Salvation and Our Deliverer! He is the Alpha and Omega. There is none beside him. There is none above him. None can compare to him.
The wicked will bow before him! And when the wicked come against us and upon us they stumbled and fell because The Word of the LORD stands! The Word of rhe LORD is a STONE WALL against the wicked and Jesus is the Cornerstone!
His Word is sure.
His Decrees are established.
His Way is perfect.
His Glory is divine.
His Presence is heaven.
He is the King of kings and LORD of lords. He is the shelter from the storm and the Rock on which we stand.
He is the author and the finisher of our faith and we stand rock solid with the Rock of Ages who is working out ALL THINGS for our good!
So be it! In Jesus name! Amen!
