The Psalmist said, “You have been our dwelling place.” (Psalm 90:2) Before the mountains, the seas or the earth were formed. You Are God!
You are the God Of the Dwelling Place!(Psalm 90)
A refuge. A place of safety. A rescuer from “traps and every deadly disease.” We declare your “faithful promises” which are “your armor and protection” over this Nation and her rightful President.
You are the God of Strength!
(Psalm 89)
Strength of a Chief in the political realm that sets the kings in place.
Strength of a Pilaster that holds the foundations together.
Strength of a Ram that can balance on the boulder in the rocky cold heights.
Strength of an oak whose roots run deep into the earth; seated beside the refreshing waters that nourish it so that it cannot be moved or shaken.
You are the God of Covenant!
(Genesis 17).
You are in Covenant with the seed of Abraham. You are in Covenant with your chosen servants on the earth. You are in Covenant with America and Israel. Thank you for your covenant!
You are the God of the Dynasty!
(Matthew 1)
The Dynasty of David’s bloodline running down through the ages to Jesus of Nazareth. Generations have called upon your name as prophets, priests and kings of your kingdom. A dynasty of those running “after God’s own heart!”
You are God With Us!
(Matthew 1:23)
“BEHOLD the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” O Hallelujah!
Yes! She did give birth.
Yes! There is a Son.
Yes! His name is “Immanuel.”
Come! O Come Immanuel! Wonderful Counselor! Mighty God! Everlasting Father! Prince of Peace!
Be the Wonderful Counselor to President Trump. Lead, guide and protect him from the evil one. Shelter him from the storm. Give him the desire to do what is right and to follow your promptings.
Be the Mighty God over the earth! Break the chains. Set the people free. Shatter the bronze walls and gates of iron that seek to enslave the people. Come in your power and might and slay the wicked spiritual giants in the land.
Be the Everlasting Father over your children. Wake them up! Have mercy on those sleeping through this demonic onslaught. Wrap your arms of comfort around those suffering. Shield your children from pestilence, violence and upheaval.
Be the Prince of Peace to humanity.
To those suffering from addiction.
To those caught in the throws of divorce.
To those with suicidal thoughts.
To those who are hopeless.
To those who are confused with lies and deception.
To those walking in fear.
Send the peace that passes all understanding.
And LORD. We thank you that …
You Are Our Glorious Strength!
You will keep that which we have committed into your hands. We commit it all! Our families and communities. Our cities and states. Our Nation. Our rightful President. We commit them to your strong hands!
We declare!
“Powerful is your arm! Strong is your hand! Your right hand is lifted high in glorious strength.
We declare!
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. Unfailing love and truth walk before you as attendants.
We declare!
“Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord. They rejoice all day long in your wonderful reputation. They exult in your righteousness.
We declare!
“You are their glorious strength. It pleases you to make us strong. Yes, our protection comes from the Lord, and he, the Holy One of Israel, has given us our king.”
Psalms 89:13-18
So be it. In Jesus name.

Lord of Lord and King of Kings!