Father God.
Here we are again. Knocking on heaven’s door. We know you will answer because that is what you do. You hear the cries of your people. The Ones who have your ear. The ones who are on your side.
We declare! The Lord your God will inflict all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate and persecute you. So be it! We believe it! The battle is yours and we stand ready by your side. The Word of the Lord will be our guide. The Sword of the Lord will clear the enemies from our path. We join forces and send them to flight! Watch out enemy! Here we come! Like a mighty army moves the church of the living God!
We have come to take back what the enemy stole. Yes! What you stole enemy! We have come to take back our city streets. We have come to take back America. The land founded on godly principles. The land many have fought for and died for. We take it back! In Jesus mighty name. The enemy has no hold. He has no right. Yahweh! Come and inflict the enemy. Inflict him. O Mighty One. The one who holds the seas in his hands and causes the sun to rise. You are mighty to save and deliver us and to inflict the enemy!
We declare the glorious life giving Word of the Lord. Lord God come! Come and change our hearts and the hearts of our descendants. Change the hearts of this lost generation. Change the hearts of our enemies. Come and change us from the inside out. We invite you into our homes, churches and communities. Into government halls and judge chambers. We declare pure clean hearts over America. Over President Trump and Vice President Pence. Over ourselves and our families.
We declare your Word over the nation of America. You say! If at that time you and your children return to the Lord your God, and if you obey with all your heart and all your soul all the commands I have given you today, then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes. He will have mercy on you and gather you back from all the nations where he has scattered you. Have mercy on us. O Merciful One.
You have given us the choice of life and death. Prosperity and disaster. O Mighty One. Send the wicked one on his way. Send him spiraling out of control along with every evil stronghold set up over us. We cast down every lie and evil spirit. In Jesus name. We choose life! We choose your ways. We choose to call on your name. You will hear our cries and you will save our land. We believe it. We declare it. We call it forth. In the name of Jesus. The resurrection and the giver of life.
We call forth life in America! We call forth the church back to life! We call forth freedom! We call forth blessing and prosperity. We call forth America to rise up! Rise up and live.
We the people! We take it back!
In Jesus name. Amen.