We know that you know!
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen.
“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the LORD.
“I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.” Jeremiah 29:11-14
The LORD knows. O Yes He Knows! He knows the plans. He knows the beginning from the end. He knows all about it. He knows just what to do and how to do it! He is the original “know it all.”
His wisdom is without end.
His mercy is unfailing.
His love is everlasting.
His grace is ending.
His Word will stand the test of time.
His power cannot be matched.
His plans cannot be thwarted.
His side will not be defeated.
His right hand is not weak.
His strong arm cannot be stopped.
His presence surrounds us.
His Glory goes before us.
With all these things in mind. We stand firm in our convictions and we will not bow to the winds of tyranny sweeping through the earth. We have a fourth man in the fire who stands beside us. We have the Lion of Judah roaring for us. We have the Word to guide us. We have his Spirit to empower us.
We thank you. O Holy One, that you have heard our prayers. We see the wicked and their despicable plans are being exposed!
We declare to communism: You have lost. Freedom has won. America has won. Your clutches have been exposed and loosed from our necks. The LORD has snapped your chains. You have not won the battle against freedom. You are a defeated foe. You have been exposed.
We declare to medical tyranny: You are pushed off the boat. We will not drown in your lies and deceit. We will not be muzzled in your demonic fantasy world. There is a spiritual mutiny in the heavens and in the earth. And We The People will not stand for your heinous crimes against humanity. You have been exposed.
We declare to the rulers of darkness in high places: You are pulled down. You are destroyed. You are plundered. Your web of death and destruction has been cut asunder. All the world has seen and revolts against your prison of wickedness. You have been exposed.
We declare to Babylon: You have fallen fallen fallen. You have fallen before and you have fallen again. We curse you down to the dust of the earth. We tear down your thick walls of wickedness. We shine the light of truth in your dark places. You have been exposed.
We declare! We will not stand with the wicked. We will not stand with the evil. We will stand with the Commander of the Hosts of Heaven. We will be surrounded by the Angel Armies. We will survive this onslaught and we will thrive in the land of the living.
We will stand with the LORD! Whose side are we on? We are on the Side of the LORD and we stand united as the church of the Living God. He is holy, righteous and true. His Word has been tried and it will stand the test of time. It will stand the test of communism and socialism. His Word is Truth will stand the test of the liars and those who seek to deceive.
Ho! The Word of the LORD will prosper in America and the Nations. His intents are pure. His purpose will be accomplished. His promises will be kept. His plans will prevail.
So be it. In Jesus name.
