Gracious Father.
Your promises are yes and amen! Oh yes they are! Even in the midst of panic and pandemonium being thrust in our faces. Your promises bubble up in our hearts and minds. Thank you for your Word. It is a never ending supply of hope and encouragement! You give us joy!
We are devoted to your Word. Even when the powerful and elite persecute us without a cause. Your words are miracle words. Oh yes! We declare! Miracles come to America! Like the children of Israel wandering in the desert. You supplied every need. Morning and night. For forty years! Yes! For forty years their shoes did not even wear out! What a miracle! Selah.
Oh Merciful Lord! Be with us in our wanderings through covid. Help us to sort the truth from the lies. Give President Trump divine wisdom and counsel to know what to do and how to do it. Give our mayors and governors divine wisdom and counsel. Steady them. Steady them. Steady them.
We rebuke the panic constantly being thrown in our faces. Just stop it! We will not be pushed into panic by the media. We will not fear. We will use wisdom. We will stand in faith. Greater is he that is within us than he that is in the world. That is a promise we can hold onto!
Instead of focusing on the lies of the media, politicians and even some health officials. Instead of focusing on covid. Instead of focusing on riots. We choose to focus on you. Jesus! You are still the answer. Jesus! You have all the answers. We focus on the Word. There is peace and well being when we bring your Word close to our hearts. When we read it with our eyes. When we pray it with our mouths. We cannot help but be changed.
Oh Merciful Father. Be the strength of our lives. Strength come to our President and Vice President. Strength come to the people. Strength come to health care workers. Strength come to police officers. Strengthen us all across the land. Strengthen our resolve. We declare! We will win these battles with the Lord on our side. He will guard us. He will guide us. He will cause us not to stumble!
Help us in our struggles. Deliver us from false accusations and treachery. Give us instruction. Give us your truth as we maneuver through these difficult times. We won’t swerve from your ways. We will cling to your Word. It is the absolute truth. And your righteous decrees are from everlasting to everlasting. Oh yes they are!
Your wonderful words will become our songs of worship. Place your hands of strength upon us and give us peace. Give us new life, new hope and a new song. Bubble up your life giving words and give us joy. It will be our strength.
In Jesus name. Amen.
