Father God.
You are the one true God. We must keep our eyes on you and you alone. We cannot look to the left or to the right. We cannot put our hope in man. Our hope (confident trust) is in you.
O Father! We can see that these last days are truly perilous times. Difficult times. Fierce times. Furious times. Dangerous times. But we hold onto the hand of our unchanging God. He does not change. He does not waffle. He does not join forces with deceptive, evil speaking peace makers. He does not compromise. He does not make deals with the devil. OUR GOD! He stands alone! He does not change! He is the ruler of the universe! There is NO OTHER GOD!
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is NO variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17
O Father of Lights! Shine down on us! Light our path! Keep us on the STRAIGHT path as we navigate these perilous times in America. Give us godly wisdom. Give us discernment. Oh! How we NEED discernment. The blind are leading the blind and they are both tottering on the edge of the ditch. Wake up! Watch out! Open their spiritual eyes! Open their spiritual ears. Give us ALL eyes to see your wonder and ears to hear the sound of your voice. Keep us out of the ditch and on the straight and narrow way!
O Father! As we stand up against these godless foes to TAKE BACK AMERICA! Be our guide. Be our shield. Be our fortress. Knock our enemies off the path you have set before us. Knock them out of the White House. Knock them out of cities and communities. Knock them out of the school systems, colleges and universities. Knock the enemy out of the church!
““Woe to you, [self-righteous] scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which LOOK beautiful on the outside, but INSIDE are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean.” Matthew 23:27
O Father! Keep our eyes from evil. Keep our hearts pure and clean. Keep us from compromise. Arise over America! O LORD of the Angel Armies. Come in haste with your mighty, warring angels. Even now they fight in the heavenlies. Manifest their victories here on the earth as these demonic strongholds are pulverized by the mighty, power and Spirit of the Living God and his Heavenly Host!
“LORD, rise up in your anger; stand up against my enemies’ anger. Get up and demand fairness. Gather the nations around you and RULE them from above.
“LORD, judge the people. LORD, defend me because I am right, because I have done no wrong, God Most High. God, you do what is right. You know our thoughts and feelings. STOP those wicked actions done by evil people, and help those who do what is right.
“God PROTECTS me like a shield; he saves those whose hearts are right. God judges by what is right, and God is always ready to punish the wicked. If they do not change their lives, God will sharpen his sword; he will string his bow and TAKE AIM.” Psalms 7:6-12
OUR GOD is an honest judge. Our God is always right. Our God is our defender. Our God is a warrior! Our God is a straight shooter! Our God is the ultimate marksmen! Our God doesn’t miss the target!
So be it! In Jesus name.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: t.me/CherylBothe1

Praise and honor to the ONE TRUE GOD!
“For you are my witnesses,“declares the LORD. “My servant whom I have chosen. That you might know and believe and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed and there will be none after Me. I, even I, am the LORD and there is no Savior besides Me. “ Isaiah 43:10-11
Amen. thank you Savior God!
Wake up your people . Revive your church! I say amen to the above prayer.
Amen! Said so well.