To the ONE whose face radiates like the sun. To the ONE whose candle cannot be extinguished. To the ONE who rules death, hell and the grave. To the ONE who died as a lamb and rose as LION. To the ONE who came as a BABY, died as a LAMB, rose as a LION and returns as a KING! To the ONE who sits on the THRONE OF HEAVEN. Be blessing and honor and glory and power forever. Yes forever!
We worship you Almighty King. We worship you in America and the Nations of the earth. We worship you who stands among the golden LAMPSTANDS. You stand among us as our protector and our guiding light. We will NOT FEAR the darkness that envelopes the earth. We do not stand in the shadows and hide! Oh no no no! We stand in the light of your glorious grace and proclaim the Good News!!
We declare! The LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH shall prevail! Your shining eyes see straight through the evil that pervades us. They are EYES OF FIRE that will burn out this wickedness in our government. They roam to and fro and seek out these evil strongholds. O thou bright Son of Man and Son of God! Strike these demonic strongholds with your eyes like lightning and disintegrate the dark hold they have over freedom. In Jesus Name! Disintegrate the Darkness!
We join forces with the King of the Ages. We take up the authority he has given us and we CAST DOWN these demonic strongholds. We cast down every “ism” seeking to destroy our free Nation. We cast down every evil edict and controlling mandate setup to oppress the people. We cast down depression and suicide. We cast down hopelessness. We rebuke the oppressor! We rebuke the darkness! We rebuke the enemy! We RESIST the devil and he MUST flee!
We call for the Holy Ghost Fire of God to breakthrough these demonic strongholds. We declare! You no longer have a hold on this Nation. We declare! Your walls of oppression are coming down! Ho! The Lord God Jehovah says ENOUGH! The enemy’s wicked hands will NOT prosper. His wicked ways will turn from paths of control into crumpled highways of confusion and chaos. His doors are being knocked in and his walls are crumbling and tumbling down. They. Are. Coming. Down.
We are the people of God. We will walk in freedom in this land of America. Our Redeemer who walks among the golden LAMPSTANDS is even now among us. The LIGHT of the LORD OF GLORY never goes out. It cannot be extinguished! It cannot be expunged! It cannot be covered up and it cannot be corrupted.
This LAMPSTAND walker will sling the seven stars in his right hand and light up the world with his glory, his goodness and his grace and mercy. HIS JUSTICE SHALL PREVAIL! The TRUTH of the two edged sword in his mouth will slice through the lies and deception of the enemy. HIS TRUTH SHALL PREVAIL! The Glory of the LORD is among us and we shall prevail through him and with him!
So be it! In Jesus name.
