Abba Father.
Oh! What joy awaits for those who disobedience is forgiven. Whose sin is out of sight. What joy for those whose records are cleared from guilt. Whose lives are lived in pure honesty. Thank you for hearing our heartfelt prayers of repentance over this Nation. We as the church stand corrected. We have turned over a new leaf. And we cry out to you daily on behalf of America and her President and Vice President.
Oh Lord. We feel our strength evaporating. Send us new strength today. New mercy today. New courage today. We pray to you while there is still time. Save us from the floodwaters of judgement. You! You are our hiding place. You will protect us from these trying troubles. You will surround us with songs of victory. Oh yes! Let us hear you singing victory over us today. Fill our hearts with your song and we praise you with our lips.
Oh Merciful Lord. Your Word says that many sorrows come to the wicked. But unfailing love surrounds those who trust in you. So we rejoice in you because we trust in you. You! You are the Lord. And we are so glad. We shout for joy with pure hearts before you. Knowing that you are mighty mighty mighty to save! Mighty to heal! Mighty to deliver!
Save us from these wicked enemies that loom before us. We stand in the face of these demonic forces and declare like David. Who is this! Who is this pagan Philistine that dares to challenge the armies of the living God? Who do you think you are? Tell us! Who in the world do you think you are to defy the Most High God and his people?
You come with hatred and rage. Anger and lies. Deceit and guilt. You come with every evil and every perverted thing. You come at the expense of our lives and livelihoods and that of our children and grandchildren. At the expense of our elderly. At the expense of morality and integrity. At the expense of the Country. At the expense of our President and Vice President. At the expense of our health and our very lives.
Ho! Who do you think you are? We declare you to be dung under our feet. We are the children of the Most High God! You will not win this battle. You cannot with the war! You are defeated in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. You were already conquered at the cross. You will bow down to Him. To Jesus! Every seducing spirit. Every ruler of wickedness. You will bow down to Him. To Jesus! So enemy! We pick up our five little stones and hurl them at your devious head. And knock you off your wicked feet. And declare you defeated! And we will plunder your deserted camps!
And just like David. Hallelujah! We have a Father who had a son in Bethlehem. And they called his name Jesus. And he came to save the people from their sins. And he came to set the captives free. And he came to protect and rescue. He is still here. He is still among us!
In Jesus name. Amen.