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Sing a New Song

Writer's picture: CherylCheryl

Glorious Father.

I have to keep the song in my heart! We all do! We sing our way into your presence. You! The one enthroned between the wings of the cherubim. You! The one whom the angels and elders cry holy holy holy. We bow before you with a song in our heart and your two edged sword on our lips!

Ho! The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Yes! Amen and amen!

Lord Most High. They can remove prayer from the schools. They can remove the Ten Commandments from the courthouse. They can remove the nativity from the town square. They can remove the Bible from the libraries. They can remove the church from the building and the preacher from the pulpit. But they can’t remove the double edged sword from our mouths. Or the praise from our lips. Or the glory from our face. Oh! Hallelujah!

I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise will continually be in my mouth. Oh yes! It will!

Yahweh! Your song will scatter the enemy from before our faces. We sing our way into your presence. We sing down the joy of the Lord. We sing down the peace that passes any and all understanding. We sing down the hope of glory. We will sing of the goodness of the Lord. Oh yes! We will sing!

We sing blessing over President Trump and Vice President Pence. We sing over them shouts of victory and triumph. We sing like the Tribe of Judah going out before her enemies in the wilderness. We sing and shout like the Israelites around the Jericho walls. They are not an impenetrable fortress. Oh no! They are not! These enemy walls must bow down to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the shouts of victory from his people. We blow the trumpet! We sound the shofar! We shout the walls down!

We sing and shout down the walls of injustice. We sing and shout down the walls of disharmony and division. We sing a song of unity over America. We sing a song of deliverance in the presence of our enemies! And we sing it again and again and again. Until we are delivered and our enemies are defeated before us! In the mighty name of Jesus! It shall be done!

It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. And we sing our brand new victory song!

So be it!


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