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Writer's pictureCheryl

Resurrection Power


Thank you for the resurrection power of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the blood of Jesus. It’s all about Jesus! It’s not about us. It’s all about him. It’s all about him opening the doors of the prison gates and setting us free. Oh yes. Sweet Freedom! Freedom from the sin and guilt of the past! Selah.

Oh Jesus! Come and resurrect this land. Come with a sweeping revival calling your church back and the lost in. Sweep through families and healing broken marriages. Heal the wounded spirits and minds. Touch the broken-hearted. Touch the hopeless. Touch the weary. We call forth the refreshing springs of living water to wash over this land.

Oh Jesus! You have triumphed! You disarmed principalities and powers. You made a public spectacle of them. You triumphed over them. Come and disarm our enemies! Disarm the anarchists running through our streets. Pull off their demonic masks and coverings that hide them in darkness. Let their faces be seen and their true identities known. Disarm them and shine the light of love in their hearts. And send the demonic spirits scampering for cover from the light of your presence.

Disarm these corrupt politicians slinking in the mire of darkness. Disarm them! Drain the swamp as our bold President so aptly phrased. Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp of these slick sycophant politicians. Disarm their plots against the President and this Nation. We declare the weapons they forge will fall limp from their slick corrupt hands. Remove them! Replace them! Raise up mighty men full of the Spirit of God to serve in their place.

Disarm the weapons setup against the church. Covid has become the weapon of choice to silence the church and send her running for the hills. O Lord help your church. We were made to stand up against the gates of hell not shrink back and open the gate to let the devil in. Jesus come! Come and shake your church back to life! Resurrect the church!

O Lord. Covid will hold us captive until we stand up and stand out against this demonic mess. Strengthen your church! Rise up! Rise up oh church of the Living God and take your rightful place. Rise up and stand beside this President who is so boldly standing up for us. Holy Spirit come and endue the church with boldness, courage and resurrection power.

We declare over America! Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. Oh yes! Thank you Lord for your Word. It cuts to the heart. It cuts to the chase. We shun human thinking. We cling to truth.

We stand up with the resurrection power of Christ who is the head over every ruler and authority. We declare that we are the head and not the tail! We will not tuck tail and run the other way. We put on our running shoes. We stand up straight and run straight into the face of the enemy and sing our song of triumph!

Come and raise us to new life. New life in Jesus. We trust in the mighty, wonder working power of God who resurrected Christ from the dead. Oh yes! We do believe Christ is the triumphant one!

So be it!


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