You are my shield.
You are my glory.
You hold my head high.
We will not be moved.
We will not be shaken.
We will not be afraid.
O Hallelujah!
You are the King! You are high and lifted up and your train has filled the temple from eternity to eternity. We cry out to you and you hear us from the temple of your holy mountain. Your ears are not deaf and you hear the cry of every heart and the prayer from every lip.
You are watching over us! Watching over America. Watching over Afghanistan. Watching over Israel. Watching over the Nations. Your eye is on the sparrow and how much closer do you keep your eye on us - your children, your beloved, your chosen ones.
We will not be afraid when it seems we are surrounded by the enemy. Even though ten thousand enemies surround us, we are surrounded first by you. You have given your angels charge over us. You have gone before us and You are behind us. You have anointed our heads with oil. Goodness and mercy follow us. You overflow our cups with blessings, with goodness and with mercy.
You give us the sun every morning. You give us the air that we breathe. You are the source of life. You are the strength of our life. You are the way maker and the devil chaser. You are the mountain mover and the sea splitter. You are the Champion and the devil is the Biggest Loser! Why would we not trust you?
O Hallelujah! When the wicked come upon us to devour us. They will stumble and fall! O Yes! They will stumble and fall!
You! O Mighty One! You will rescue. You will deliver. You will heal. You will show yourself strong. You will show yourself mighty. You have crushed the head of the serpent and he is under your feet. You rise up over the enemies of our souls and declare “Let My People Go!” Then you smite the spiritual enemies for their blatant disregard of your holy words.
We declare your Hoky Word!
“Arise, O LORD! Rescue me, my God! Slap all my enemies in the face! Shatter the teeth of the wicked! Victory comes from you, O LORD. May you bless your people.” Psalms 3:7-8
We declare the blessing of the LORD even during these trying times. He is STILL on the throne. He is STILL reigning. He is STILL living within us and dwelling among us. Our VICTORY comes from the LORD who was and is and is to come!
He is the Alpha. He is the Omega.
The beginning and the end.
The first and the last.
He is the truth giver.
He is the truth teller.
Let God be truth and every man a liar!
Your Word declares!
“Of course not! Even if everyone else is a liar, God is true. As the Scriptures say about him, “You will be proved right in what you say, and you will win your case in court.” Romans 3:4
So be it! In the name of Jesus! This case against the people of God and this earth will be won in the courts of heaven. We shall not be denied our inheritance from the LORD! “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.” Psalms 24:1
O Yes! We belong to Him! Nothing can separate us! Nothing! No demon. No earthly tyrant. No stronghold, principality or power. They are dust under the feet of the man who walked the shores of Galilee. The Master! The Teacher! The Messiah and our Soon Coming King!
We bless the Name of the LORD. We say! He is the King of the earth. He is the King of our hearts. He is our hope and he is our help. “For the LORD God helps Me, Therefore, I am not disgraced. Therefore, I have set My face like flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed.” Isaiah 54:7
So says the Word of the LORD!
We declare the Word of the LORD.
We stand on the Word of the LORD.
We will NOT be easily shaken!
In Jesus mighty name. Amen and amen!
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God's perfect will be done!