Almighty God.
The one who forged this great Nation. The one who inspired our founding fathers. The one who has placed his hand on America and blessed her. The one who will see us through this coup. The one who is mighty in battle and mighty to save us. You! You are the one who will deliver us.
We declare the holy words of Isaiah the Prophet over America! “If any nation comes to fight you, it is not because I sent them. Whoever attacks you will go down in DEFEAT.” Isaiah 54:15
We decree and declare defeat over the hands and works of the enemy! Defeat be upon over every foreign and domestic terrorist. Defeat be upon every person that has committed treason with theirs criminal acts against America. Defeat be upon the attackers of our freedom! Defeat be upon the naysayers, the doom and gloom speakers and the fear mongers. May their words of hatred and hopelessness fall back upon them and knock them down and out for the count. We declare a first round knock out!
This is what Jehovah says! “I have created the blacksmith who fans the coals beneath the forge and makes the weapons of destruction. And I have created the armies that destroy.
“But in that coming day NO WEAPON turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord; their vindication will come from me. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Isaiah 54:16-17
We decree and declare that NO WEAPON formed or forged will prosper. NO WEAPON conceived in the minds of these corrupt greedy money hungry politicians, global elites and Silicon Valley moguls will prosper. The lying weapons of the false prophets of Baal will not prosper. In Jesus name. NONE of these earthly and natural weapons will succeed. They will not hurt us. They will not win. They are defeated. They LOSE!
Ho! These weapons formed against us have made us STRONGER. They have UNITED us. They have turned us into a MIGHTY ARMY of the Most High God. They have turned us into PATRIOTS. They have strengthened our RESOLVE. Ha! Enemy! You and your evil minions have picked on the wrong bunch of people. We will not back down. We will not slack off. We will not shut up. We will not hide. We stand up in your face and declare that our vindication will come from the Lord! He will heap coals of fire upon your head and that of your evil puppets.
This weapon of a fraudulent election. Defeated! These fraudulent voting machines. Defeated! These traitors to America. Defeated! These lying news media outlets. Defeated! These arrogant politicians and weak kneed pastors that bow to this woke culture. Defeated! These nations and kingdoms set up to destroy us. Defeated! All defeated by the hand of the Lord!
Arise O God! Arise and scatter our enemies. These enemies against you and your church. These enemies against America, Israel and the nations of the earth. Scatter them! Loose your Spirit and blow through America. Knock them down, out and over. Break the back of the plans of the enemy. Stun them with your presence. Blind them with your glory and send them into chaos and confusion. Ho! Let their own chaos chase them down and trip them up. Send them squeaking and squealing like pigs over the cliffs.
We call forth Michael and his war angels to utterly destroy the works of evil setup over America. Come and strike down the enemy of our souls. Lucifer! In Jesus name. We declare you to be consumed by the power of God. The accuser of the brethren and the father of lies. Consume him and his cohorts. Consume their weapons of warfare. Divulge their evil plots and expose them to the world. Silence their accusatory voices and cause them to become of no consequence.
We declare victory for President Trump. We declare victory for the House and Senate. We declare victory over the Trump Legal Teams. We declare peace and prosperity on the land of the free and the home of the brave. Our flag will fly high over the land of America. Our God will reign supreme in America. We will be the blessed of the Lord!
In Jesus name. So be it!
