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May 26 / Evening Prayer

Writer's picture: CherylCheryl

Father. We know that you are doing a new thing. You have already started it. We want to be right in the middle of it. We do not want to be to the left or to the right. We want to be in the center of You. So we can experience it all. So we can see it all. Jesus! Be the center of it all. At school. At home.

Oh Jesus! Be the center of your Church. Oh how you love your bride. We surrender it all to you. Every hurt and heartache. Every offense. Every nit picky thing that has no value in the eyes of eternity. We draw our gaze from our petty differences and gaze at your divine sacrifice on the cross. We fix our eyes on You and You alone. Send your healing waters to the dry wastelands of our hearts and minds. Refresh your chosen people. Make us new.

Oh Jesus! The precious Lamb of God. Slain from the foundation of the world. You were at the center of two thieves on the Cross. One went up. The other went down. Oh Loving Saviour of the world. The one who gave your life so we could have abundant life. We make you our center. We center our lives around You. We center our thoughts on You. We center our daily decisions on You. We center our differences in You. Jesus! Be the deciding factor in everything we say and do. We want to move forward in you. We want to go up!

Behold! You will do a new thing. We can see it. We can almost touch it. We call it forth. Rise up, oh Spirit of God on President Trump. Let the glory fall all around him. Do a new thing in his heart and in the heart of Vice President Pence. Let the overwhelming love of God come upon them. Change them. Make them new. Refresh them. Make their paths straight. Cause their hands to prosper. Do a new thing in them, oh Holy Father.

Do a new thing all across this land. Yes! Revive what is dead in America. Revive our love of our Country and our fellow man. As Americans, we grieve over the losses to our Nation over the past few months. We grieve for the loss of life. Jobs. Homes. Loved ones. Hopes and dreams. Nevertheless. Behold! You will do a new thing among us. Hope springs up like a well. Life begins to spring up. Yes! Spring up oh well. Spring up oh well. Let the deep, deep waters of your grace and mercy wash over us. Yes! Your life giving water. Spring up oh well! Make us clean, fresh and new.

Rise up! Oh Spirit of God. Bind us together in America. Bind the races and cultures together. Bind marriages and families together. Bind churches and communities together. Bind pastors and flocks together. Bind denominations together. Rise up! Oh Spirit of the Living God. Full of unfailing love and unending mercy. Bind us together with cords of love that cannot be easily broken. Let the church rise up and show love one to another.

Oh Lord of the heavens and the earth. Make a way for us in this wilderness. Give us rivers in the wasteland. You said you were doing something new! And, we thank you in advance for your promises.

In Jesus name. Amen.


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