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Let My People Go!

Writer's picture: CherylCheryl

Father God.

We will not be shaken and we will not be moved! We are like trees planted by the rivers of water. Our roots are deep. It is settled in our hearts and minds. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Oh yes!

We will not be moved by this vile covid virus. We rebuke it back to the dust. We declare it dead. In Jesus name. We will not be moved with the hypocrisy of this government and their exaggerated covid antics. We will not be moved by their fear mongering. We will not be moved by their shaming. We rebuke them back to the dust. In Jesus name.

We are moved to call upon the church of the living God to rise up! Pastors rise up! Rise up and be strong and immovable in the face of this disaster. The world needs the church! America needs the church! America needs to see the church pull together and offer hope and freedom. Not fear, shame and bondage. O Lord. Who will rise up? Who will rise up?

We cry out for this Nation being consumed by fear. We cry out for this Nation besieged from within and without by misguided youth, antifa and marxists. O Mighty One. We do not cry out with fear. We cry out with holy boldness. We cry out with righteous anger. Like Jesus in the temple. Oh yes! Remove them and cast them out the door.

Jesus went into the temple courtyard and threw out everyone who was buying and selling there. He overturned the moneychangers’ tables and the chairs of those who sold pigeons. He told them. My house will be called a house of prayer, but you’re turning it into a gathering place for thieves! In Jesus name. We declare every gathering place of wickedness, death and destruction be dismantled and thrown out the door!

We cry out with holy righteous anger against every judge, mayor, governor or city official rising up against the church. We rebuke this demonic attack on the church! In Jesus name. Casinos open. Church closed. Airplanes packed. Church closed. Riots and protests overflow. Church closed. Oh! The hypocrisy of the government and the fear in the church! Wake up. Get up. Open the doors of the church and let the king of glory enter in!

In Jesus name. We bind every seducing spirit setup over our leaders. We bind the spirit of Jezebel setup over our nation’s capitol and every capitol and major city in America. We bind every lying spirit setup over the false prophets of media. We bind every plot, plan and scheme setup over President Trump and his Administration. We bind these sex trafficking monsters with a millstone around their neck and plunge them to an eternal abyss of fire.

With the Lord of the Angel Armies by our side and a razor sharp, two edged sword in his mouth. We stand up in the face of the enemy with our faces set like flint! We declare like the prophet of old. Let my people go!

So be it!


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