Father God. You are moving. You are moving through America. You are moving through the Nations. Even though upheaval surrounds us. You are moving. Move in us. Move on us. Move in your church. Separate the chaff from the wheat. Remove the hidden wolves from among us. Move with power and glory. We give you the honor and the praise.

We stand appalled at the position of leftist mayors and governors. How far will they let these anarchists go. We stand disappointed in the lack of leadership and response from our elected officials in Washington DC to this anarchy. It has been silence for the most part. We are saddened by pastors who are silent and kneel down to man. Oh God. Touch the hearts of man.
We stand up as the church. The rising remnant. The watchmen on the wall. We stand up and armor up. We stand up in the face of this Marxist giant rearing it’s ugly head. We say! We will not concede! We will not concede! We will not concede! We have the God of the Angel Armies on our side. Send us angelic reinforcements! Oh Yes!
We call down the holy, mighty angels of the Most High God. The heavenly host. Hallelujah! Those that sang of the Savior’s birth. The day everything changed. The day salvation came to the earth. When Jesus came! The day when the enemy shook in his shoes. The day when another coup would start to form to remove Jesus from his mission on earth. That didn’t work! Oh no! It did not. Jesus came to stay. Hallelujah! The day the angel made the announcement. He is not here! He has risen! The enemy has been on the run ever since and Jesus is still on the throne!
In Jesus mighty name. The one who stole the keys to death, hell and the grave. In Jesus mighty name. The name above all the names. In Jesus mighty name. The one who came and set the captives free. Yes! In Jesus mighty name. We cast you down satan and your demonic minions. Down down down. We cast down every group being formed to overturn America. Down down down. In Jesus name. Satan! You cannot win this insurrection. You cannot change the times and the seasons. You cannot destroy the church. She is blood bought and ransomed. We will not concede!
This Marxist movement rising up to overthrow America. We stand up and with a loud voice. We cry out like the thief on the cross. Son of David! Have mercy on us! Have mercy on these that have been deceived. Change their hearts. Change their minds. We cry out like David. The Lord is merciful. Yes you are! The Lord is compassionate. Slow to angry. And full of unfailing love. You are majestic and full of splendor. You work miracles. We proclaim your goodness and greatness over America. We proclaim victory over America!
We declare the glory of the Lord to surround us. To surround America, her people and her President. Yes! Jesus! Oh Mighty One. The one who overcame it all. Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
In Jesus name. Amen.