Father God.
This morning we come before you with great expectations. You are the light. You are the truth. Your Word is truth. We declare the Word of the Lord over ourselves! We say! The LORD is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? You said it. We declare it. We believe it. We will not be afraid.
We say! When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh. My enemies and foes. They stumbled and fell. Flat to the ground. Oh yes! They did. Though an army is encamped against me. My heart. My heart. My heart will not fear. Oh! No no no! Though war rises up against me. In this thing I will be confident. The battle has already been won! The battle has already been won! We say again! The battle has already been won! You have overcome the enemies of America. You have overcome the enemies of our President Trump and Vice President Pence. Oh yes! We believe! The battle is already won. It’s already done!
We say! For in the time of trouble You will shall hide us in your pavilion. In the secret place of your holy tabernacle you will hide us. You will hold us. You will set us high high high upon a rock. Even upon the mountaintop! And our heads shall be lifted up above our enemies all around us. Oh yes! Hallelujah! Lift us up up up above these grim grizzly shadowlands. Most High God. Lift us out of this valley of destruction and despair that tries to consume America. We say! The battle is already won. It’s already done!
We believe in miracles. Because you are the miracle worker. Shake the earth beneath our enemies. Knock them off their feet. Knock them off course. Knock them out! Shake loose the demonic strongholds over this nation. Shake them loose! Shake loose the anger. Shake loose the hatred. Shake loose the greedy and the power hungry. Shake shake shake the whole earth loose from the evil ties that bind! In the name of Jesus. Shake it from pillar to post. Shake us to the very foundations. Shake the church. Shake us and wake us! We believe! The battle is already won! It’s already done.
We will offer sacrifices of joy in your rock solid tabernacle. We will sing. Yes! We will sing praises to the Lord. We sing victorious songs of deliverance. On the highest mountaintops of victory we will dance. We will play our harps and tambourines and dance for joy in the presence of the Lord. High on the mountains tops of glory. Amidst the smoke of fire and glory coming from your throne. Amidst the angels crying holy holy holy. We will sing! Oh! Hallelujah! We will sing!
We believe it! We declare it! The battle is already won. It’s already done.
In Jesus mighty name. Amen.
