We come before you as the redeemed of the LORD! Let the redeemed of the LORD say so! We come before you as your mighty people. We come representing the kingdom that has no end! We declare over ourselves that we are strong and mighty, bold and courageous, steadfast and faithful to your Holy Name.
You have called us out from among the world. You have called us to be separate and holy. You have called us to follow you. We bow to no one but you - the One who is the giver of life! You have called us to life and life more abundantly. You have raised us from the dead dry bones of slavery into heirs of your glorious kingdom.
“And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” So I answered, “O LORD God, You know.” Ezekiel 3:3
O Hallelujah!
We declare! The dead dry bones of the earth will come ALIVE by the Hand of the LORD. He is the strong and mighty one! The LORD who knows it all, sees it all and controls it all. The LORD who made the heavens and the earth. The LORD who owns the earth. The LORD who says of all creation “it is mine!”
You will not be mocked and disdained by these godless vagabonds roaming the earth. Their tentacles have reached their maximum length. Ho! They shall not bind the people any further. They shall not! The LORD has raised up a remnant in the earth and nothing can stop us!
This is what the LORD says!
Hold on America!
Hold on Israel and Nations of the earth!
Hold on people of the Most High God!
I will heal the land.
I will take back what has been stolen.
I will not leave you fatherless.
I will not abandon you.
I will bring you back to life!
We declare! The LORD strong and mighty! He will rebuild the land. A movement will swell up from the ground. He will cleanse America from her sins. He will not abandon this Nation under God.
We declare! In the empty and forlorn streets there will by joy and dancing! There will be joyous songs from the people all across the land. All hope is NOT lost! Our Nation is NOT finished!
We declare the Word of the LORD over America! We call forth the mighty winds of the breath of Our God to sweep the land! Rise up with your broom of righteousness and sweep out these death ridden, demonic strongholds and breathe LIFE into your people!
“Then he said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to the winds, son of man. Speak a prophetic message and say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, O breath, from the four winds! Breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again.” Ezekiel 37:9
We prophecy to the dead dry bones of America!
God says Live!
Live! Live! Live!
God says Live!
Live America Live!
Live Israel Live!
Live O Nation of the Earth Live!
We prophecy to the dead dry bones of America and the Nations that they will be revitalized and strengthened by the Hand of God!
Come! O Holy Hand of God and RATTLE America. Rattle the Nations. Rattle the earth. Rattle the dry, dusty bones and cause LIFE to rise up and spring forth! We shake off the dust! We shake off death! We shake off suppression! We shake off oppression! We shake ourselves loose from the dry, dirty tentacles of Lucifer. We resist him and he must flee!
We declare! The LORD of the Angel Armies will open the graves of exile and cause us to RISE AGAIN! O Hallelujah! We shall rise and shine forth. We declare! The GLORY of the LORD has risen upon us and we will go forth rejoicing bringing the sheaves with us!
So be it! In Jesus name.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: t.me/CherylBothe1
