Thank you for your Word that gives us rock solid faith. That causes our spirit man to just stop. Just stop and consider your ways and what you have done. There is no one like you. No matter what chaos and calamity besets us there is no one like you. The Rock solid force of creation. Our strong fortress that cannot be shaken. Your Word cannot be shaken. Your ways cannot be shaken. Your promises cannot be shaken.
You say to the nations, rulers and kingdoms. Both far and near. Get ready for war! Call out your best warriors. Let all your fighting men advance for the attack. Hammer your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Train even your weaklings to be warriors. Come quickly, all you nations everywhere. Gather together in the valley of Jehoshaphat. The valley of Jehovah judges.
O Lord. You have called out your warriors! Here we are! Standing ready, willing and able to fight back the gates of hell. For this Nation. For this President. For our children and their children’s children. We have been called to arms. We’ve got our armor. We’ve got our Sword. We’ve got your presence. We’ve got your goodness and mercy that chase us down. We’ve got your exceedingly great and precious promises. Oh yes!
O Holy and Righteous One! Pronounce judgement on our enemies. Pronounce judgement on them all. The storage vats are overflowing with the wickedness of these people. It oozes throughout the land. Over internet lines, television and movies, games and videos. Music is rank and reeks of filth. These are they who are arrogant and vile. From the terrorists in the streets to the legislators who sit idly by while morality and decency fails in the courts, our cities are trampled and our rights are shredded.
O Lord. Swipe them away to the wasteland in the wilderness. In Jesus name! Loose your power upon the earth and vanquish the enemy. Vanquish these demonic strongholds. Pull their pillars of evil down from the high places. Let your voice roar from Zion and thunder from the heavens. Shake the earth! Shake the nations. Shake the church. Shake them all and loose them from this demonic vice grip of immorality, terror and fear.
O Yahweh. We stand at attention in the ranks of this remnant army. Holding our plow shares and pruning hooks. You don’t call the qualified. You qualify the called. You give us these tools and change them to weapons of war. We stand ready with our swords and spears in this Valley of Jehoshaphat.
In Jesus name. Amen.
