Father God.
Thank you for your Word. It is life. It is light. Through the ages of time your Word still stands. It cannot be erased or removed. Thank you for your wondrous works. Thank you for your watchful eye and your strong right hand. Thank you for your goodness to us even in the hard times.
Come Yahweh. Come! Oh come and strengthen your children. Come and sit beside us. Breathe upon us. Breathe new life into our bones. Straighten our backs and give us resolve. Give us courage and boldness to fight the good fight of faith. Give us strength for today and hope for tomorrow! Oh yes!
We stand up like the prophet Jeremiah. We will go where you send us. We will say what you say! You have put the words in our mouth. You say! Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant.
We stand up against the nations and kingdoms who stand up against you. If they are against you! They are against us! In Jesus name. We stand in the face of the enemy and declare him to be torn down and uprooted, destroyed and overthrown. We declare him to be plucked up and cast down.
We uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow every evil ruler of darkness over America! The Lord Most High is watching you. He will not be mocked. You will not prevail against the Lord God Jehovah. You will not!
We uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow any evil plot or scheme to harm President Trump, Vice President Pence and their families. In Jesus name. The plans they make will dissolve in the enemy’s hands. They will not succeed. No weapon, attack or attempt on any of their lives will prosper. We pronounce the judgement of the Lord to come upon their enemies. We declare the Lord to go before them and set straight every crooked path the enemy makes.
We uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow any evil plot or scheme against the Frontline Doctors and others who stand up in the face of this great covid deception. In Jesus name. We declare their voices will be heard. They will not be silenced. We declare truth to rise up and dispel the fear mongering purveyors of doom and gloom. In Jesus name. The truth will prevail!
We uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow every lying spirit setup over the media. The false prophets of the day. We uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow the lying spirits over politicians and people of influence. We shine the light of truth on their empires of deceit and deception.
We uproot and tear, destroy and overthrow the empire of the sex traffickers hiding amidst the elite. In Jesus name. We call down the wrath of God on their perversion. God will not be mocked. They will reap the filth that they sow!
We uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow this spirit of fear that has consumed America. We uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow the spirit of fear that has invaded the church. Rise up! Oh Spirit of God. Rise up and and dispel this dark foreboding fear that is consuming our land. In always mighty name. We call forth faith to rise up and consume this spirit of fear.
Almighty God. We stand up in the face of our enemies. We prepare for action. We speak the words you give us to speak. We will not be afraid of our enemies. We will walk and not faint. We will run and not grow weary.
We are strong in the Lord! Like a fortified city. We are fortified with your spirit and fortified with the Armor of God. We may stand against the whole land. But we are not easily shaken! Oh no! We are not! They may fight us but they will fail because you are with us. We will fight back! And we will uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow their evil kingdoms. We will not rest until they are besieged!
You will take care of us. You will not forsake us. You have made us strong! We have been fortified!
In Jesus name. So be it!