You alone. Yes! You alone know the beginning from the end. You know all of our days. You know the comings and the goings of us all who dwell on the earth. You know all about the Nations. The good, the bad and the ugly. You are sovereign over all.
You know every back door, secret deal made by the rulers of darkness. You know every attempt that has been made to sabotage this Nation and her President. You know every weapon of destruction formed to ruin the nations, bring devastation to the people of the world and bring it to it’s knees. We say NO! No no no! No devil not today!
“For the Lord GOD will help Me. Therefore I will not be disgraced. Therefore I have set My face like a FLINT. And I know that I will not be ashamed.
“He is near who justifies Me. Who will contend with Me? Let us stand together. Who is My adversary? Let him come near Me. Surely the Lord GOD will help Me; Who is he who will condemn Me? Indeed they will all grow old like a garment. The moth will eat them up.” Isaiah 50:7-9
We declare the Word of the Lord over our moth eaten foes from within and without. The Lord himself will HAND the cup of suffering to you. You tormentors who say that you will trample us into the dust and walk on our backs. We say NOT SO! Because the Lord of the Angel Armies is the creator of it all. He has stretched the sky out like a canopy and he laid the foundations of the earth. He will go ahead of us to clear the way and he will go behind us and protect us from you evil ones.
The Lord high and lifted up! Oh yes! He will startle many nations and kingdoms. They will stand speechless in his glorious presence. On that great day when the Lord delivers us from our enemies. They will be the dust under our feet. Their feeble attempts will have vanished and they will be vanquished from the land of America and from before our faces.
So we stand together. We stand UNITED upon the solid rock Christ Jesus with our faces of flint staring at the Son. The One with healing in his wings. The One with eyes like fire and feet like brass. The One who was lovingly laid down like a lamb but came ROARING back like a lion. He roars over our enemies! He roars over our enemies! He roars over our enemies! Because He is the LION of the Tribe of Judah and we are that tribe! Enemy! You can’t stop this tribe!
In the name of Jesus. So be it!
