Great is your faithfulness! Your mercies are new every day. You never tire or grow weary. Your unfailing love reaches to the heavens and your faithfulness goes beyond the clouds. Your goodness and mercy chase us down. We are blessed beyond measure and we rest in your presence. Selah.
From the dawn of time you have remained faithful to your people. Oh yes! You are so faithful. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains and your justice like the ocean depths. Let your justice reign down upon the earth. Let justice prevail. Let integrity, morality, and righteousness rise up over America and the nations of the earth.
Reign down on the wicked and the perverse. Reign down on the falsehoods and deceptions in our government halls and school systems. Reign down on wall street and silicone valley. Reign down and reveal your truth. Slap down and trample the arrogant, the proud mouth boasters and all those with wicked and unrighteous intents.
We declare an unprecedented, landslide victory of epic proportion over President Trump and Vice President Pence. We declare the margin so HUGE there is no way for these leftist radicals to fight it or overcome it. Let the people’s voices be heard! Loud and clear!
Lord of the Angel Armies. Send your angels at the ready to swipe down these demonic uprisings that are being planned after the election. We declare them null and void. Just like the siege. They will disintegrate and disappear. This uprising will be downtrodden before it ever starts. Shut. Them. Down. In Jesus name.
We declare a wave of righteous leaders come forth from this election. We declare not one Senate seat will be lost. No not one! We declare every tight Senate race start to swing to the right and the margins explode!Swing the pendulum Lord! Swing it to the right! No Senate seats will be lost and more will be gained. In Jesus name!
We declare a tsunami of righteousness to hit the House and wash away the Jezebel spirit and her unrighteous stronghold. We tear down this stronghold. It will fall. Never never never to rise again! We take back the House! We take it back! Turn the House back to red! Turn it back to integrity and honesty. In Jesus name.
We declare this demonic stronghold over the mayors and governors be broken. Reveal their wicked greed and hunger for power. Almighty God. Disassemble their mandates. Smash their plans. Recall them. Rebuke them. Rebuff them and vote them out! Let every lawsuit filed go against them. Slam the doors on the federal funding. Wake them up with night dreams and visions and show them the error of their ways. Send revival to the mayor’s homes and to the governor’s mansions.
This covid weapon has been politicized long enough. We say enough! This covid weapon of sickness and fear mongering will not prosper. It must bow down to the stripes of Jesus. The lies must be exposed and the truth revealed. O Lord. Tear the veil and let the truth shine through the murky waters of deception surrounding covid.
We declare the back of this covid stronghold be broken by the blood of Jesus. We take back what the enemy has stolen. We say! No more! We plead the blood of Jesus over this politicized plague and the criminal actions of our leaders. May the Lord’s vengeance, wrath and judgement reign down on them!
O Lord of the heavens and the earth. You are great! You do miracles so great! Your power is great and mighty to the pulling down of every stronghold. You have been faithful to your people through the ages. Your faithfulness is great. Your faithfulness will continue through the generations to come.
In Jesus name. Amen.
