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Writer's pictureCheryl

Call To Me!

We call upon the Name of the LORD who is worthy to be praised. His name is truth. His ways are righteous. His right hand brings forth justice. His eyes are upon the sparrow and how much more do they watch over his people. Selah.

We praise the Name of the LORD for he is holy. We call upon the Name of the LORD who is able to save, heal and deliver. He is our righteous King. He is our merciful LORD. He is our gracious Provider. He is Strong and He is Mighty. He is Creator of the earth and all who dwell therein.

Even though we feel like Jeremiah who was shut up in the courtyard and surrounded by the enemy. “The LORD Strong and Mighty is among us! This is what the LORD says—the LORD who made the earth, who formed and established it, whose name is the LORD: “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.” Jeremiah‬ ‭33:1-3

We ASK of you Father. Show us your ways. Show us your heart. Show us the path to place our feet upon. Keep our minds and hearts pure before You. Keep our eyes focused on You. Let our lights shine in the darkness. Let us speak words of hope and truth. Show us what we need to know as we search out the scriptures and listen for your voice to know your heart for the Nations.

We cry out for the Nations of the earth!

The LORD Strong and Mighty will heal the wounds of the Nations inflicted by the NWO and their hounds from hell.

The LORD Strong and Mighty will restore the freedoms and fortunes stolen by these rogue thieves.

The LORD Strong and Mighty will restore the rightful President of the United States of America!

The LORD Strong and Mighty will restore the nations of Israel, Canada and Australia.

We declare based upon the Word of the LORD that does not change!

The enemy will NOT have his way!

The enemy will NOT have the soul of America!

The enemy will NOT have the Nations!

The enemy will NOT have the Children!

The LORD Strong and Mighty!

He will repay the wrongs.

He will silence the lying mouths.

He will heal. He will cleanse.

He will restore. He will rebuild.

We prophecy to America - the bright and shining city on the hill with her rays of hope, truth, freedom and light! Rise up! Rise up! Rise up! Rise up from the ashes of defeat and take your rightful place among the Nations. I will restore your honor, says the LORD. I will restore your power, says the LORD.

“Then this city (America) will bring me joy, glory, and honor before all the nations of the earth! The people of the world will see all the good I do for my people, and they will tremble with awe at the peace and prosperity I provide for them.”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭33:9‬

So we CALL out to you LORD!

Come and be the LORD of America.

Come and be the LORD OF ALL.

Come and be the LORD of all the Nations of the earth.

As we stand in faith not doubting, we look to you and you alone. You are the God of the mountains and the God of the valleys. Come and save us. Heal us. Deliver us. Restore us. Shine your light upon us and send us your Glory!

In Jesus name. Amen.


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